My interpretation follows the ones before me, that it follows someone overdosing on cough syrup, or hoping it can take them away from the pains reality is throwing at them, and the people in their life that is dragging them down.
I think that these are the thoughts of a person who is trying to OD on cough syrup or some drug, and they are considering life.
"Life's too short to even care at all, I'm losing my mind losing my mind losing control. These fishes in the sea, they're staring at me. A wet world aches for the beat of a drum."
I think in these first lines, it is explaining how they feel that life's short, so why care when you die. They feel like everything in their life is going out of control, and there isn't anything they can do. People are looking at them, and judging them, and they just want at least a little bit of good in their life, which is seemingly impossible in they're eyes. This follows the same theme with
"These zombies in the park, they're looking for my heart. A dark world aches for a splash of the sun."
Where people are trying to brake them, and tear them down, but they want some hope to keep going on.
"If I could find a way, to see this straight I'd run away. So some fortune that I would have found by now. I'm waiting for this cough syrup to come down. Come down."
They want to find a way to feel good again, to no longer suffer, and they are wondering why they hadn't found it by now. So they are waiting for the cough syrup to take effect. Begging it to.
The next time those lyrics come again, there is the added part of:
"And so I run now to the things they said could restore me. Restore life the way it could be. I'm waiting for this cough syrup to come down."
Either they were told it would help them, or you could take it as people told them to kill them-self, that it would make life a better place if they weren't in it, so they are going to follow their advice to make it so.
When "Life's too short to even care at all. I'm losing my mind losing my mind losing control," is repeated, it's them emphasizing that all these thoughts are making them lose their mind.
Then, the chorus repeats, which is them once again emphasizing how they wish something good could have happened already so that they wouldn't have suffered so much. Then, that they are going to make life a better place by leaving it.
The song ends with
"One more spoon of cough syrup now."
"One more spoon of cough syrup now."
What they originally took isn't working fast enough, so they are going to take more and more and go through this process again until it finally works and they are finally leaving life behind.